“Noah” – An Excellent Baby Name for Your New-Born

From 2013 to 2016, “Noah” has consecutively been the most popular baby boy name in the U.S. In fact, even after 2017, it has consistently been in the top 5 most popular baby names . But what does the name mean? Should you choose it for your baby? What are the characteristics associated with it? You are going to discover everything in this article. Historical Setting: The name “Noah” has its roots in Hebrew and belongs to one of the greatest Prophets of History. It was he who (By the Grace of God) built the infamous “Ark” and saved not only his family but also two of each creature at that time on earth from the great flood. The name “Noah” has been appeared in the Bible as well. Many religious scholars in Christianity would suggest Noah as a boy baby name. The Popularity: Noah is a perfectly unique name for your newborn. In fact, it has been extremely popular since 2009. It is not only classy but sounds really well in the modern age. The more you look around, the more you will find...